Tuesday, September 19, 2006

This is post number one here at Marginal Thought. Why did I call this blog Marginal Thought? Well, all the other things I wanted to call it were already thought of by people who've thought about blogging longer than the 5 minutes I've been considering it. Actually, I read a lot of blogs, my favorite being David Corn's daily dose of Washington insider musings, so I think about blogs, albeit, unconsciously, but now I've joined the ranks of the hordes spewing assiduous drivel for the greater benefit of humankind. Back to the original question (why the name). Well, so much of what is considered "main stream thinking" is so absolutley inane and retarded, that rational thinking has been marginalized, and the conclusions one could draw from it are rarely converted to advice-put-to-use. So here we are, those of us who tend to think about things, on the fringes of society and the margins of life.

So what "drivel" can you expect from me? Well, if you think Bush is an idiot, war is pointless, Zappa is the best, that sort of thing, you might check back from time to time. I promise to try and be somewhat interesting and not too condescending toward those content to follow the lemmings over the cliff, although don't count on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, your musical genius is.....Barry Manilow?