Monday, October 09, 2006

Focus on the Family? Sure you do.

On the October 6th broadcast of James Dobson's "Focus on the Family", Dobson echoed some the rumors advanced by Matt Drudge and Michael Savage that this whole Mark Foley flap was just a prank by some former pages. He said it "turned out to be what some people are now saying was a -- sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages". Here's more.

So, what was the joke Jimmy? Was it that the pages simply fabricated this stuff, for some reason, to embarrass or destroy Foley? Or was the joke simply that they waited until an opportune moment to reveal these salacious messages to the media? If it was a pure fabrication, why did Foley abruptly resign and literally vanish within hours of the ABC News reporter asking his staffer for an explanation of the messages, and before it was even broadcast, rather than trying to defend himself, his reputation and career? Even if the latter was the case, how does that somehow make it not a big deal?

We all know, by now, what went down and because there is no one in Congress suggesting that the messages were fake (as they dive for cover), these rumors, albeit circulated on the prestigious Internet, are simply a stupid attempt to soften the reality of this affair and lessen its ramifications.

But let's talk about you, Jimmy, for a minute.

Dr James Dobson, faithful Christian, moral leader, defender of American family values, a man with the spiritual well-being of the nation at heart, a man of deep intellect cast in the image of God. Gimme a freakin' break.

You are nothing more than a self-serving Pharisee and Conservative gasbag doing the bidding of your corrupt benefactors. A known pedophile makes repeated advances on children and what do you do? You blame it on the children. What family are you focusing on? What god do you worship? You are a disgrace to real Christians, and for that matter, anyone of real faith. Worse than that, in your influential position, you have a responsibility far beyond the average faithful and you do great harm with your words because people believe you.

I was raised around a religious dogma that suggests one can go to Hell simply on a technicality, like not subscribing to specific esoteric doctrines, and I do not believe that. What I do believe is that Hell, should it exist, is where people like you are destined to spend eternity. People who deceive and conspire in the name of God.

Simply saying "God damn you, Dobson" is not taking the Lord's name in vain (as we were led to believe in Sunday school). However, a man in your position, saying the things you say, is most certainly taking the Lord's name in vain, and worse, everytime you open your sanctimonious pie hole.

Like so many people, for my whole life, I've felt the tug of conviction to find God and become part of a faithful community. However, I cannot imagine, even for a moment, becoming part of what you and your ilk represent. I guess the search goes on.

1 comment:

SolomonsWord said...

I'm trying to understand col mustard's mind-numbing denial of the worth of discussing issues and knee-jerk Ann Coulterisms.

Broaden your mind, sir. Get out of the "kitchen" and put down the knife. Here's a "clue," there is value in discussing these important issues, and they have strong influence on what you identify as the larger issues concerning the USA. But if we have, indeed, lost our moral compass, let's admit it and talk about it.

The long list you give for things "liberals" (how did that become a cuss word? It used to be honorable) -- hate, don't you think you are making sweeping generalizations not fit for an officer of your rank?

This is a well-written blog, and this writer probably has a head full of thoughts on every one of the issues you listed. Give him a chance, and present reasonable responses.